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2023-09-14 Newcastle Eagles vs Sheffield Sharks Newcastle Eagles vs Sheffield Sharks 2023-09-15 Bristol Flyers vs Plymouth City Patriots Bristol Flyers vs Plymouth City Patriots 2023-09-15 Leicester Riders vs Cheshire Phoenix Leicester Riders vs Cheshire Phoenix 2023-09-16 Surrey Scorchers vs London Lions Surrey Scorchers vs London Lions 2023-09-17 Manchester Giants vs Caledonia Gladiators Manchester Giants vs Caledonia Gladiators 2023-09-21 London Lions vs Caledonia Gladiators London Lions vs Caledonia Gladiators 2023-09-22 Bristol Flyers vs Newcastle Eagles Bristol Flyers vs Newcastle Eagles 2023-09-22 Leicester Riders vs Plymouth City Patriots Leicester Riders vs Plymouth City Patriots 2023-09-23 Manchester Giants vs London Lions Manchester Giants vs London Lions 2023-09-24 Cheshire Phoenix vs Sheffield Sharks Cheshire Phoenix vs Sheffield Sharks 2023-09-28 London Lions vs Bristol Flyers London Lions vs Bristol Flyers 2023-09-29 Plymouth City Patriots vs Manchester Giants Plymouth City Patriots vs Manchester Giants 2023-09-29 Newcastle Eagles vs Cheshire Phoenix Newcastle Eagles vs Cheshire Phoenix 2023-09-30 Surrey Scorchers vs Sheffield Sharks Surrey Scorchers vs Sheffield Sharks 2023-09-30 Bristol Flyers vs Leicester Riders Bristol Flyers vs Leicester Riders 2023-10-01 Plymouth City Patriots vs Sheffield Sharks Plymouth City Patriots vs Sheffield Sharks 2023-10-01 Cheshire Phoenix vs London Lions Cheshire Phoenix vs London Lions 2023-10-05 Caledonia Gladiators vs Surrey Scorchers Caledonia Gladiators vs Surrey Scorchers 2023-10-06 Bristol Flyers vs Sheffield Sharks Bristol Flyers vs Sheffield Sharks 2023-10-06 Newcastle Eagles vs Leicester Riders Newcastle Eagles vs Leicester Riders 2023-10-07 Surrey Scorchers vs Cheshire Phoenix Surrey Scorchers vs Cheshire Phoenix 2023-10-08 Sheffield Sharks vs Newcastle Eagles Sheffield Sharks vs Newcastle Eagles 2023-10-08 London Lions vs Manchester Giants London Lions vs Manchester Giants 2023-10-08 Plymouth City Patriots vs Manchester Giants Plymouth City Patriots vs Manchester Giants 2023-10-12 Caledonia Gladiators vs Plymouth City Patriots Caledonia Gladiators vs Plymouth City Patriots 2023-10-13 Leicester Riders vs Surrey Scorchers Leicester Riders vs Surrey Scorchers 2023-10-13 London Lions vs Cheshire Phoenix London Lions vs Cheshire Phoenix 2023-10-14 Plymouth City Patriots vs Bristol Flyers Plymouth City Patriots vs Bristol Flyers 2023-10-14 Manchester Giants vs Leicester Riders Manchester Giants vs Leicester Riders 2023-10-15 Sheffield Sharks vs Caledonia Gladiators Sheffield Sharks vs Caledonia Gladiators 2023-10-15 Cheshire Phoenix vs Manchester Giants Cheshire Phoenix vs Manchester Giants 2023-10-16 London Lions vs Newcastle Eagles London Lions vs Newcastle Eagles 2023-10-19 Manchester Giants vs Bristol Flyers Manchester Giants vs Bristol Flyers 2023-10-20 Newcastle Eagles vs Leicester Riders Newcastle Eagles vs Leicester Riders 2023-10-20 Sheffield Sharks vs London Lions Sheffield Sharks vs London Lions 2023-10-21 Surrey Scorchers vs Manchester Giants Surrey Scorchers vs Manchester Giants 2023-10-21 Bristol Flyers vs Newcastle Eagles Bristol Flyers vs Newcastle Eagles 2023-10-22 Caledonia Gladiators vs Sheffield Sharks Caledonia Gladiators vs Sheffield Sharks 2023-10-22 London Lions vs Surrey Scorchers London Lions vs Surrey Scorchers 2023-10-22 Cheshire Phoenix vs Plymouth City Patriots Cheshire Phoenix vs Plymouth City Patriots 2023-10-25 Plymouth City Patriots vs Sheffield Sharks Plymouth City Patriots vs Sheffield Sharks 2023-10-26 Leicester Riders vs Surrey Scorchers Leicester Riders vs Surrey Scorchers 2023-10-27 Bristol Flyers vs Cheshire Phoenix Bristol Flyers vs Cheshire Phoenix 2023-10-27 Newcastle Eagles vs London Lions Newcastle Eagles vs London Lions 2023-10-29 Plymouth City Patriots vs Surrey Scorchers Plymouth City Patriots vs Surrey Scorchers 2023-10-29 Caledonia Gladiators vs Leicester Riders Caledonia Gladiators vs Leicester Riders 2023-11-02 Manchester Giants vs Cheshire Phoenix Manchester Giants vs Cheshire Phoenix 2023-11-03 Plymouth City Patriots vs Caledonia Gladiators Plymouth City Patriots vs Caledonia Gladiators 2023-11-03 London Lions vs Bristol Flyers London Lions vs Bristol Flyers 2023-11-04 Surrey Scorchers vs Cheshire Phoenix Surrey Scorchers vs Cheshire Phoenix 2023-11-04 Leicester Riders vs Newcastle Eagles Leicester Riders vs Newcastle Eagles 2023-11-04 Sheffield Sharks vs Manchester Giants Sheffield Sharks vs Manchester Giants 2023-11-05 Bristol Flyers vs Caledonia Gladiators Bristol Flyers vs Caledonia Gladiators 2023-11-05 Plymouth City Patriots vs London Lions Plymouth City Patriots vs London Lions 2023-11-09 Sheffield Sharks vs Surrey Scorchers Sheffield Sharks vs Surrey Scorchers 2023-11-10 Newcastle Eagles vs Manchester Giants Newcastle Eagles vs Manchester Giants 2023-11-10 Leicester Riders vs London Lions Leicester Riders vs London Lions 2023-11-11 Surrey Scorchers vs Bristol Flyers Surrey Scorchers vs Bristol Flyers 2023-11-11 Caledonia Gladiators vs Sheffield Sharks Caledonia Gladiators vs Sheffield Sharks 2023-11-12 Plymouth City Patriots vs Newcastle Eagles Plymouth City Patriots vs Newcastle Eagles 2023-11-12 Cheshire Phoenix vs Leicester Riders Cheshire Phoenix vs Leicester Riders 2023-11-17 Sheffield Sharks vs Leicester Riders Sheffield Sharks vs Leicester Riders 2023-11-17 Bristol Flyers vs Manchester Giants Bristol Flyers vs Manchester Giants 2023-11-17 Newcastle Eagles vs Plymouth City Patriots Newcastle Eagles vs Plymouth City Patriots 2023-11-18 Surrey Scorchers vs Bristol Flyers Surrey Scorchers vs Bristol Flyers 2023-11-18 Caledonia Gladiators vs Newcastle Eagles Caledonia Gladiators vs Newcastle Eagles 2023-11-19 Manchester Giants vs London Lions Manchester Giants vs London Lions 2023-11-19 Cheshire Phoenix vs Surrey Scorchers Cheshire Phoenix vs Surrey Scorchers 2023-11-23 London Lions vs Newcastle Eagles London Lions vs Newcastle Eagles 2023-11-24 Manchester Giants vs Plymouth City Patriots Manchester Giants vs Plymouth City Patriots 2023-11-24 Caledonia Gladiators vs Cheshire Phoenix Caledonia Gladiators vs Cheshire Phoenix 2023-11-25 Surrey Scorchers vs Newcastle Eagles Surrey Scorchers vs Newcastle Eagles 2023-11-25 Leicester Riders vs Manchester Giants Leicester Riders vs Manchester Giants 2023-11-26 Sheffield Sharks vs Bristol Flyers Sheffield Sharks vs Bristol Flyers 2023-11-26 Plymouth City Patriots vs Surrey Scorchers Plymouth City Patriots vs Surrey Scorchers 2023-11-26 Cheshire Phoenix vs Caledonia Gladiators Cheshire Phoenix vs Caledonia Gladiators 2023-11-30 Caledonia Gladiators vs Bristol Flyers Caledonia Gladiators vs Bristol Flyers 2023-12-01 Newcastle Eagles vs Surrey Scorchers Newcastle Eagles vs Surrey Scorchers 2023-12-01 Leicester Riders vs London Lions Leicester Riders vs London Lions 2023-12-02 Bristol Flyers vs Sheffield Sharks Bristol Flyers vs Sheffield Sharks 2023-12-03 London Lions vs Caledonia Gladiators London Lions vs Caledonia Gladiators 2023-12-03 Cheshire Phoenix vs Leicester Riders Cheshire Phoenix vs Leicester Riders 2023-12-07 Manchester Giants vs Surrey Scorchers Manchester Giants vs Surrey Scorchers 2023-12-08 London Lions vs Plymouth City Patriots London Lions vs Plymouth City Patriots 2023-12-08 Newcastle Eagles vs Bristol Flyers Newcastle Eagles vs Bristol Flyers 2023-12-10 Sheffield Sharks vs Cheshire Phoenix Sheffield Sharks vs Cheshire Phoenix 2023-12-10 London Lions vs Leicester Riders London Lions vs Leicester Riders 2023-12-10 Caledonia Gladiators vs Manchester Giants Caledonia Gladiators vs Manchester Giants 2023-12-14 Manchester Giants vs Bristol Flyers Manchester Giants vs Bristol Flyers 2023-12-15 London Lions vs Cheshire Phoenix London Lions vs Cheshire Phoenix 2023-12-15 Leicester Riders vs Caledonia Gladiators Leicester Riders vs Caledonia Gladiators 2023-12-17 Surrey Scorchers vs Caledonia Gladiators Surrey Scorchers vs Caledonia Gladiators 2023-12-17 London Lions vs Manchester Giants London Lions vs Manchester Giants 2023-12-17 Cheshire Phoenix vs Newcastle Eagles Cheshire Phoenix vs Newcastle Eagles 2023-12-22 Surrey Scorchers vs Plymouth City Patriots Surrey Scorchers vs Plymouth City Patriots 2023-12-22 Sheffield Sharks vs Bristol Flyers Sheffield Sharks vs Bristol Flyers 2023-12-23 Manchester Giants vs Leicester Riders Manchester Giants vs Leicester Riders 2023-12-23 Plymouth City Patriots vs Caledonia Gladiators Plymouth City Patriots vs Caledonia Gladiators 2023-12-24 London Lions vs Sheffield Sharks London Lions vs Sheffield Sharks 2023-12-26 Caledonia Gladiators vs Manchester Giants Caledonia Gladiators vs Manchester Giants 2023-12-28 Newcastle Eagles vs Plymouth City Patriots Newcastle Eagles vs Plymouth City Patriots 2023-12-28 Leicester Riders vs Bristol Flyers Leicester Riders vs Bristol Flyers 2023-12-29 Cheshire Phoenix vs Manchester Giants Cheshire Phoenix vs Manchester Giants 2023-12-29 Caledonia Gladiators vs London Lions Caledonia Gladiators vs London Lions 2023-12-30 Leicester Riders vs Sheffield Sharks Leicester Riders vs Sheffield Sharks 2023-12-31 Sheffield Sharks vs Manchester Giants Sheffield Sharks vs Manchester Giants 2024-01-01 Surrey Scorchers vs London Lions Surrey Scorchers vs London Lions 2024-02-01 Manchester Giants vs Plymouth City Patriots Manchester Giants vs Plymouth City Patriots 2024-02-02 Surrey Scorchers vs Sheffield Sharks Surrey Scorchers vs Sheffield Sharks 2024-02-02 Newcastle Eagles vs London Lions Newcastle Eagles vs London Lions 2024-02-03 Surrey Scorchers vs Leicester Riders Surrey Scorchers vs Leicester Riders 2024-02-03 Manchester Giants vs Cheshire Phoenix Manchester Giants vs Cheshire Phoenix 2024-02-04 Caledonia Gladiators vs Bristol Flyers Caledonia Gladiators vs Bristol Flyers 2024-02-04 London Lions vs Plymouth City Patriots London Lions vs Plymouth City Patriots 2024-02-04 Cheshire Phoenix vs Newcastle Eagles Cheshire Phoenix vs Newcastle Eagles 2024-02-08 London Lions vs Sheffield Sharks London Lions vs Sheffield Sharks 2024-02-09 Leicester Riders vs Plymouth City Patriots Leicester Riders vs Plymouth City Patriots 2024-02-09 Newcastle Eagles vs Caledonia Gladiators Newcastle Eagles vs Caledonia Gladiators 2024-02-10 Plymouth City Patriots vs Surrey Scorchers Plymouth City Patriots vs Surrey Scorchers 2024-02-10 Bristol Flyers vs Cheshire Phoenix Bristol Flyers vs Cheshire Phoenix 2024-02-11 Sheffield Sharks vs London Lions Sheffield Sharks vs London Lions 2024-02-11 Manchester Giants vs Newcastle Eagles Manchester Giants vs Newcastle Eagles 2024-02-11 Bristol Flyers vs Surrey Scorchers Bristol Flyers vs Surrey Scorchers 2024-02-11 Caledonia Gladiators vs Leicester Riders Caledonia Gladiators vs Leicester Riders 2024-02-15 Caledonia Gladiators vs Surrey Scorchers Caledonia Gladiators vs Surrey Scorchers 2024-02-16 Plymouth City Patriots vs Newcastle Eagles Plymouth City Patriots vs Newcastle Eagles 2024-02-16 Leicester Riders vs Sheffield Sharks Leicester Riders vs Sheffield Sharks 2024-02-17 Surrey Scorchers vs Manchester Giants Surrey Scorchers vs Manchester Giants 2024-02-17 Bristol Flyers vs London Lions Bristol Flyers vs London Lions 2024-02-18 Plymouth City Patriots vs Leicester Riders Plymouth City Patriots vs Leicester Riders 2024-02-18 Cheshire Phoenix vs Caledonia Gladiators Cheshire Phoenix vs Caledonia Gladiators 2024-02-29 Sheffield Sharks vs Plymouth City Patriots Sheffield Sharks vs Plymouth City Patriots 2024-03-01 Manchester Giants vs Caledonia Gladiators Manchester Giants vs Caledonia Gladiators 2024-03-01 Leicester Riders vs Cheshire Phoenix Leicester Riders vs Cheshire Phoenix 2024-03-02 Bristol Flyers vs Surrey Scorchers Bristol Flyers vs Surrey Scorchers 2024-03-03 London Lions vs Leicester Riders London Lions vs Leicester Riders 2024-03-03 Cheshire Phoenix vs Sheffield Sharks Cheshire Phoenix vs Sheffield Sharks 2024-03-07 Sheffield Sharks vs Surrey Scorchers Sheffield Sharks vs Surrey Scorchers 2024-03-08 Newcastle Eagles vs Manchester Giants Newcastle Eagles vs Manchester Giants 2024-03-08 Caledonia Gladiators vs London Lions Caledonia Gladiators vs London Lions 2024-03-09 Cheshire Phoenix vs Plymouth City Patriots Cheshire Phoenix vs Plymouth City Patriots 2024-03-10 Bristol Flyers vs Leicester Riders Bristol Flyers vs Leicester Riders 2024-03-10 Caledonia Gladiators vs Newcastle Eagles Caledonia Gladiators vs Newcastle Eagles 2024-03-15 Newcastle Eagles vs Sheffield Sharks Newcastle Eagles vs Sheffield Sharks 2024-03-21 Manchester Giants vs Surrey Scorchers Manchester Giants vs Surrey Scorchers 2024-03-22 Newcastle Eagles vs Surrey Scorchers Newcastle Eagles vs Surrey Scorchers 2024-03-22 Leicester Riders vs Caledonia Gladiators Leicester Riders vs Caledonia Gladiators 2024-03-23 Cheshire Phoenix vs Bristol Flyers Cheshire Phoenix vs Bristol Flyers 2024-03-24 Sheffield Sharks vs Newcastle Eagles Sheffield Sharks vs Newcastle Eagles 2024-03-24 Plymouth City Patriots vs Leicester Riders Plymouth City Patriots vs Leicester Riders 2024-03-28 Newcastle Eagles vs Caledonia Gladiators Newcastle Eagles vs Caledonia Gladiators 2024-03-29 Plymouth City Patriots vs Cheshire Phoenix Plymouth City Patriots vs Cheshire Phoenix 2024-03-29 Sheffield Sharks vs Leicester Riders Sheffield Sharks vs Leicester Riders 2024-03-30 Surrey Scorchers vs Caledonia Gladiators Surrey Scorchers vs Caledonia Gladiators 2024-03-30 Bristol Flyers vs Plymouth City Patriots Bristol Flyers vs Plymouth City Patriots 2024-03-31 Leicester Riders vs Newcastle Eagles Leicester Riders vs Newcastle Eagles 2024-03-31 Cheshire Phoenix vs Bristol Flyers Cheshire Phoenix vs Bristol Flyers 2024-04-01 Manchester Giants vs Sheffield Sharks Manchester Giants vs Sheffield Sharks 2024-04-04 Leicester Riders vs Bristol Flyers Leicester Riders vs Bristol Flyers 2024-04-05 Plymouth City Patriots vs Manchester Giants Plymouth City Patriots vs Manchester Giants 2024-04-06 Cheshire Phoenix vs Surrey Scorchers Cheshire Phoenix vs Surrey Scorchers 2024-04-07 Bristol Flyers vs London Lions Bristol Flyers vs London Lions 2024-04-07 Caledonia Gladiators vs Cheshire Phoenix Caledonia Gladiators vs Cheshire Phoenix 2024-04-07 Manchester Giants vs Sheffield Sharks Manchester Giants vs Sheffield Sharks 2024-04-10 Plymouth City Patriots vs Cheshire Phoenix Plymouth City Patriots vs Cheshire Phoenix 2024-04-11 Newcastle Eagles vs Bristol Flyers Newcastle Eagles vs Bristol Flyers 2024-04-12 Plymouth City Patriots vs London Lions Plymouth City Patriots vs London Lions 2024-04-12 Sheffield Sharks vs Caledonia Gladiators Sheffield Sharks vs Caledonia Gladiators 2024-04-13 Surrey Scorchers vs Newcastle Eagles Surrey Scorchers vs Newcastle Eagles 2024-04-13 Bristol Flyers vs Manchester Giants Bristol Flyers vs Manchester Giants 2024-04-14 Sheffield Sharks vs Cheshire Phoenix Sheffield Sharks vs Cheshire Phoenix 2024-04-14 Caledonia Gladiators vs Plymouth City Patriots Caledonia Gladiators vs Plymouth City Patriots 2024-04-18 London Lions vs Surrey Scorchers London Lions vs Surrey Scorchers 2024-04-19 Newcastle Eagles vs Cheshire Phoenix Newcastle Eagles vs Cheshire Phoenix 2024-04-19 Bristol Flyers vs Caledonia Gladiators Bristol Flyers vs Caledonia Gladiators 2024-04-19 Leicester Riders vs Manchester Giants Leicester Riders vs Manchester Giants 2024-04-20 Manchester Giants vs Newcastle Eagles Manchester Giants vs Newcastle Eagles 2024-04-20 Sheffield Sharks vs Plymouth City Patriots Sheffield Sharks vs Plymouth City Patriots 2024-04-21 Surrey Scorchers vs Leicester Riders Surrey Scorchers vs Leicester Riders 2024-04-21 Cheshire Phoenix vs London Lions Cheshire Phoenix vs London Lions 2024-04-26 Caledonia Gladiators vs Newcastle Eagles Caledonia Gladiators vs Newcastle Eagles 2024-04-28 London Lions vs Surrey Scorchers London Lions vs Surrey Scorchers 2024-04-28 Sheffield Sharks vs Leicester Riders Sheffield Sharks vs Leicester Riders 2024-04-28 Cheshire Phoenix vs Bristol Flyers Cheshire Phoenix vs Bristol Flyers 2024-05-03 Surrey Scorchers vs London Lions Surrey Scorchers vs London Lions 2024-05-03 Newcastle Eagles vs Caledonia Gladiators Newcastle Eagles vs Caledonia Gladiators 2024-05-03 Bristol Flyers vs Cheshire Phoenix Bristol Flyers vs Cheshire Phoenix 2024-05-04 Leicester Riders vs Sheffield Sharks Leicester Riders vs Sheffield Sharks 2024-05-05 Sheffield Sharks vs Leicester Riders Sheffield Sharks vs Leicester Riders 2024-05-10 Newcastle Eagles vs London Lions Newcastle Eagles vs London Lions 2024-05-10 Cheshire Phoenix vs Sheffield Sharks Cheshire Phoenix vs Sheffield Sharks 2024-05-12 London Lions vs Newcastle Eagles London Lions vs Newcastle Eagles 2024-05-12 Sheffield Sharks vs Cheshire Phoenix Sheffield Sharks vs Cheshire Phoenix 2024-05-19 London Lions vs Cheshire Phoenix London Lions vs Cheshire Phoenix


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Super League Basketball (SLB) is a men's professional basketball league. Established in 2024, the competition replaces the former British Basketball League (BBL) as the top-level men's basketball competition in Great Britain. Seasons 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021show more.. Teams Bristol Flyers Caledonia Gladiat Cheshire Phoenix Leicester Riders London Lions Manchester Giants Newcastle Eagles Plymouth City P Sheffield Sharks Surrey Scorchers Key () Missing Artwork (- 4) Missing 4 Players: Data and Artwork () Team Complete Trophy Icon Fanart Banner Other Links Facebook Instagram Website Youtube

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